Archive for the 'Language Arts' Category
The Tiered Curriculum Project is a part of the Indiana Department of Education website. It contains examples of tiered lessons from grades K – 12 in the areas of Language Arts, Science and Math. The lessons were created by three professors from Ball State University — one of them, Cheryll Adams, is the Director of […]
Questioning is an important part of the learning process for all students. Good questions can be used to help students develop higher-level thinking skills. It’s important not only to ask students more in-depth, open-ended questions, but also to encourage them to ask these types of questions during their own learning process. Here are links to […]
Mrs. Sundra’s Gifted Resource Page is a site created by an elementary gifted teacher in Arizona. While this site doesn’t contain a large variety of resources, I feel the lesson plans and resources it does contain are of good quality and easy to use and adapt. The activities are related to the areas of Literature […]
Smithsonian Education – Lesson Plans is a site that contains inquiry-based lesson plans in a variety of grade levels and subject areas. The Lesson Plans site is part of a larger educational site created by The Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies. The site is very nicely organized. You can search for lesson plans […]
A Different Place is a website that has a variety of activities and resources for gifted students, parents of gifted students, and teachers. If you click on the “Teachers” button on the home page, you are taken to a welcome page for teachers. About halfway down the Teachers page, in the paragraph that starts with […]
Wacky Web Tales, created by Houghton-Mifflin, allows students in grades three and above to create stories in the MadLib style. Students enter words into the form fields and a short story is created. Wacky Web Tales is a fun way for students to practice the parts of speech.
Database of Award-Winning Children’s Literature is a website through which you can search for award winning books for children. The database contains over 7,000 books that can be searched by a wide variety of options — keyword, author, title, setting, historical period, ethnicity, language, genre, age of reader,etc. — which makes this a great site […]
Wordle is a site that creates word clouds from text that is typed or copied and pasted into the text box on the site. I have to admit, the first time I was introduced to Wordle I thought it was a cool website, but I didn’t see much educational application. Since then, I realized that […]
WordCounter is a simple tool for students, teachers and writers to check their writing for most frequently used or over used words. All you need to do is copy and paste any text into the box provided, set a couple of parameters, and press “Go”. On the next screen, you’ll see a list of how […]
Vintage Ad Browser is a site at which you can peruse print advertisements from as early as the 1700’s to the present. There are over 100,000 ads available to browse through. The ads are organized by category (Sports, Clothing, Cigarettes and Tobacco, TV and Electronics), then organized by years. There is a search feature that […]