Mrs. Sundra’s Gifted Resource Page

Mrs. Sundra’s Gifted Resource Page is a site created by an elementary gifted teacher in Arizona.  While this site doesn’t contain a large variety of resources, I feel the lesson plans and resources it does contain are of good quality and easy to use and adapt.  The activities are related to the areas of Literature and Social Studies, and seem to be geared for upper elementary students.  She has a wonderful debate and persuasive writing unit, with links to debate topics, rubrics, handouts, and sample work done by her fifth grade students.

Be sure to check out the link to “Universal Questions for Literature Studies” for a list of higher-level questions that can be used during a novel study.  Her Links on the “Gifted Resource Teachers” page is also a must-see.  Mrs. Sundra obviously put a lot of time and effort into her teaching and into her website.  How fortunate it is that she is willing to share her work with other teachers.

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