Author Archive
Wacky Web Tales, created by Houghton-Mifflin, allows students in grades three and above to create stories in the MadLib style. Students enter words into the form fields and a short story is created. Wacky Web Tales is a fun way for students to practice the parts of speech.
Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection is a collection of online logic games that can be played by a single player. These are the kinds of games that you might play when you want to take a break from working on something or have a couple of minutes to kill. They are easy to learn but […]
Database of Award-Winning Children’s Literature is a website through which you can search for award winning books for children. The database contains over 7,000 books that can be searched by a wide variety of options — keyword, author, title, setting, historical period, ethnicity, language, genre, age of reader,etc. — which makes this a great site […]
Nourish Interactive is a site designed for elementary students to learn about health and nutrition. Nourish Interactive was created by a group of nutrition and health professionals with the goal of helping children make healthy choices. The site contains a wide variety of interactive activities, games and worksheets related to health and nutrition.
Wordle is a site that creates word clouds from text that is typed or copied and pasted into the text box on the site. I have to admit, the first time I was introduced to Wordle I thought it was a cool website, but I didn’t see much educational application. Since then, I realized that […]
Zinn Education Project is a companion website to the popular book A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn. The site offers lesson plans and activities for using A People’s History of the United States in the classroom. The goal of the Zinn Education Project is to present history to students in a […]
WordCounter is a simple tool for students, teachers and writers to check their writing for most frequently used or over used words. All you need to do is copy and paste any text into the box provided, set a couple of parameters, and press “Go”. On the next screen, you’ll see a list of how […]
Mathtrain.TV is a website created by Mr. Marcos, a very ambitious middle school math teacher in Santa Monica, CA. This site contains several short videos, created by middle school students, that describe how to solve common middle school math problems. You can search the site for videos related to a specific topic. This is a […]
Vintage Ad Browser is a site at which you can peruse print advertisements from as early as the 1700’s to the present. There are over 100,000 ads available to browse through. The ads are organized by category (Sports, Clothing, Cigarettes and Tobacco, TV and Electronics), then organized by years. There is a search feature that […]
AudioOwl is a site from which you can download free audio books. The books that are offered are in the public domain and can be downloaded in MP3 or iPod format. You can browse the collection by genre or search for a title. Pictures of the book covers are included, and when you click on […]