Archive for the 'General' Category


RefSeek is a search engine designed for students and researchers who are looking for academic information.  Ref Seek searches documents, websites, encyclopedias, books, journals and newspapers.  The best part about  RefSeek is that it doesn’t appear to have any ads.  This is a great tool to use when you’re looking for information and you don’t […]


LIFE Photo Archive

LIFE Photo Archive is a joint venture between LIFE Magazine and Google.  The site contains millions of photographs dating as far back as 1750.  Each photo has its own page, which lists the date the photo was taken, the size of the photo, the name of the photographer (if available), a brief description of the […]


Sweet Search

SweetSearch is a suite of search engines designed for teachers and students.  The sites that are searched through SweetSearch are approved by their evaluation team of teachers and librarians.  SweetSearch configured their search engine to favor sites like the Library of Congress, PBS, and university websites.  SweetSearch4Me is a search engine for elementary students.  There’s […]


ReadWriteThink: Flip Book

ReadWriteThink:  Flip Book is an online flip book maker.  I know I mentioned ReadWriteThink in an earlier post, but there are so many great tools on the site that it’s easy to miss some.  The flip book maker is a user-friendly template for creating flip books.  The site walks you through the steps of creating […]


The Book Seer and Your Next Read

The Book Seer and Your Next Read are two sites that offer book recommendations based on a book you like.  All you need to do is enter the title / author of the book you like into the provided fields and almost instantly you’ll see recommendations for other books to read.  The Book Seer shows […]


Academic Competitions

For students who need extra challenges, there are many local, national and international competitions available.  Here are a few pages with links to some of these competitions: has the best list of competitions for students in middle school or high school.  The site is maintained by the John Hopkins Center for Talented youth.  While […]


Interest and Learning Style Surveys

When differentiating lessons and units, if teachers know the interests and learning styles of their students, they can structure activities that speak to those styles and interests.  It’s also important for students to know their own strengths and interests.  These surveys / questionnaires may be helpful tools for you and your students to determine strengths […]


Juicy Studio’s Readability Test

Juicy Studio’s Readability Test is a tool that teachers can use to evaluate the reading level of websites.  It is very easy to use — all you need to do is to paste the address of the website into the “Test the Readability of a Website” box, then click on the “Calculate Readability” button.  Almost […]


The Lexile Framework for Reading

The Lexile Framework for Reading is a great site for matching books to students’ reading levels.  Both the ISAT and MAP tests give students their Lexile scores.  Teachers can use The Lexile Framework for Reading site and students’ Lexile scores to find materials on a topic at a variety of reading levels.  In the upper […]


Forms, Templates, Rubrics and More

The organization and paperwork involved in differentiated instruction can be daunting.  Here are links to some online organizers that may help: Anchor Activity Planning and Implementation Template – an anchor activity planning template that you can download and print. Compacting Contract – a sample contract that can be downloaded and printed. Graphic Organizers – This […]

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