Telescopic Text

Telescopic Text is an interactive website designed to help students expand on their ideas, create a structure, and add more detail to their writing.  The best way to learn how to use this very clever tool is to look at their example which you can access from the “Texts” link on the top of the page.  This will bring you to a sentence that is in a gray box.  Click in the box to see an expanded sentence.  Continue to click on the gray box to see how the idea expands.  To start your own idea, click on the word “Write” on the top of the page.  Then enter a simple sentence and press the Start button.  When you click on one of the words, it allows you to Insert or change the word.  Continue to do this until you have a detailed sentence or set of sentences.  Click on the Fold button at the top, then click on the gray boxes to watch your idea unfold.  Click on the Resources button at the top to access some helpful resources.  I especially recommend looking at the Best Practices and How to use the writing tools pages.

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