Differentiation in Wilmette

Differentiation in Wilmette is a site created by educators in District 39 in Wilmette, IL.  The site was created as a resource for their teachers, parents and community.  It provides a great general overview of differentiation along with tips for designing differentiated lessons.  District 39 is a K-8 district, so the information is relevant for District 13 teachers and students.

There are so many good things on this website, I don’t know where to begin.  The site is divided into six sections:  The Basics, Staff Development, In the Classroom, Teaching with DI, Resources and DI in Wilmette.  The “Planning” link on the “Teaching with DI” menu takes you to a page with a blueprint for designing differentiated lessons.  Be sure to check out the “Resources” section for links to other websites, books and presentations related to differentiation.  The “Resources” section also contains a section specifically for Gifted.

The beauty of this website is that it’s created by teachers for teachers.  It’s great that they chose to share it with people outside their district!

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