Archive for the 'Language Arts' Category

360 Cities

360 Cities offers beautiful interactive, high-resolution panoramic views of major sites and cities across the globe.  By clicking and dragging the images, you and your students can explore places around the world in a way that you can’t do with a single image.  I would recommend reading the 360 Help page for tips on how […]


Guess the Wordle

Guess the Wordle is a new web site in which new Wordles are posted three times a week.  Each Wordle is based on a topic, and the challenge is to figure out what the topic is.  Monday’s Wordle is simple, Wednesday’s is a bit more challenging, and Friday’s is even more tricky.  Guess the Wordle […]


Smarty Games

Smarty Games offers a great collection of interactive games for students.  I especially like the math games, which include games related to telling time, using money and practicing basic facts.  Smarty Games also has a limited number of classic stories that can be read aloud to the students.  Jigsaw puzzles, coloring and dot to dot […]



Lexipedia is an online dictionary that not only provides definitions in the standard form, but also creates a webbed diagram of related words.  Included in the web diagram are synonyms, antonyms and fuzzynyms.  This site is especially helpful for visual learners.


Write Rhymes

Write Rhymes is an easy to use site that gives you rhyming words for just about any word.  All you have to do is type in a word, then click on the word while pressing the Alt key, and a list of rhyming words is displayed.


Great Source iWrite Grammar Handbook

Great Source iWrite Grammar Handbook is sponsored by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to help students  learn the mechanics of writing.  The Grammar Handbook contains animated videos of the use of punctuation, parts of speech and other conventions of writing.  The Great Source iWrite site in general is loaded with student-friendly tips and tutorials to help with […]


Confusing Words

Confusing Words is an easy-to-use website to help writers correctly use ‘confusables’  like “affect” and “effect”, or “lie” and “lay” in their writing.  Students can search for the word in question by entering all or part of the word in the search box.  There’s also a button available for your Internet browser that allows you […]



WritingFix is sponsored by the Northern Nevada Project and the National Writing Project. It features interactive writing activities, tools, games, lessons and online publishing contests. WritingFix has ideas for right-brained and left-brained thinkers and also includes a section directly related to the 6+1 Traits model of writing instruction.


Web English Teacher

Web English Teacher presents hundreds of lesson plans, WebQuests, videos, biographies, jokes, puzzles, and classroom activities related to the areas of Reading and Language Arts. The site also contains Language Arts-related activities about current topics, and a word of the day.



ReadWriteThink is part of, a site supported by the Verizon Foundatin that offers free resources for teachers and students. The site invites students to compose their own comic strips for prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, and as a form of literature response.

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