Author Archive

The Music Education Madness Site

The Music Education Madness Site is currently under construction, but I did stumble across this page for teaching general music to middle school students.  This page offers several creative ways to make learning music at the middle school level fun and interesting.  The page has links to other pages on the site that offer additional […]


Music Education Online

Music Education Online is sponsored by the Children’s Music Workshop, a company that specializes in products for promoting music education.  While much of the site is commercial, it offers a wide variety of links to other music education related websites.  These links can be found by hovering over  the ‘Music Links’ button at the top […]


K-12 Resources for Music Educators

K-12 Resources for Music Educators provides resources for music teachers and band, chorus and orchestra directors.   The site provides  links to many websites related to music education at a variety of levels.  I like the fact that the site is updated regularly, so the links are current.


Teaching Music

Teaching Music is a collaberatve site for music teachers.  It contains lessons and resources shared by music teachers.  Members can also post comments and participate in forum discussions.


Printing Graph Paper

Printing Graph Paper is an article that contains links to several websites that allow you to create and print your own graph paper.  Many of the sites allow you to cusomize the graph paper to suit your needs.


Confusing Words

Confusing Words is an easy-to-use website to help writers correctly use ‘confusables’  like “affect” and “effect”, or “lie” and “lay” in their writing.  Students can search for the word in question by entering all or part of the word in the search box.  There’s also a button available for your Internet browser that allows you […]


Same Content – Different Presentation

Flight Attendant Doing Raps is a YouTube video of a Southwest Airline flight attendant adding some creativity to the standard safety presentation.  While it can be argued that this has no direct tie to education, I think it can be used to encourage teachers to try something new and attention-grabbing when presenting the same old […]


Interactive Numberline

Interactive Numberline is a simple tool developed by Oxford University Press to help students locate and sequence numbers.  The student is given a number and a range in which to locate the number.  Each time a student chooses a range, a narrower range is given to choose from, until the student finally clicks on the […]


Breathing Earth

Breathing Earth is an interactive website showing a map of the earth.  When you hover your mouse over a country, it shows the population, birthrate, deathrate and rate of CO2 emissions of the country.  The site also adds up the number of births, deaths, and tonnes of CO2 emissions that have taken place worldwide while […]


Talks Dave Eggers: 2008 TED Prize wish: Once Upon a School

2008 TED Prize wish: Once Upon a School, a TED video, is an invitation for the community to get involved in educating students.  David Eggers, a writer, publisher, and philanthropist, tells the story of how he started a center to provide one-on-one tutoring for students.  This is an inspirational story of how someone with a […]

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