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TypingWeb offers free typing lessons with immediate feedback after each lesson.  The lessons range in level from beginning to advanced.  Students can practice their typing skills without having to register, although TypingWeb only tracks the progress of registerd users.



Lexipedia is an online dictionary that not only provides definitions in the standard form, but also creates a webbed diagram of related words.  Included in the web diagram are synonyms, antonyms and fuzzynyms.  This site is especially helpful for visual learners.


Write Rhymes

Write Rhymes is an easy to use site that gives you rhyming words for just about any word.  All you have to do is type in a word, then click on the word while pressing the Alt key, and a list of rhyming words is displayed.


From Washington to Obama in Less Than 4 Minutes

From Washington to Obama in Less Than 4 Minutes is a short video of pictures of all the United States presidents presented in sequence.  Each picture is morphed into the picture of the next president.  Included in the video are the years of the presidents’ terms.  In addition to being an interesting way to present […]


Parade of Games in PowerPoint

Parade of Games in PowerPoint is created by a Dr. Dianne C. Jones, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.  The purpose of this site is to provide teachers and trainers with easy-to-use templates for games created by PowerPoint that support learning.  Each game has a sample and a template for downloading.



PrintFriendly is a website that helps save money and the environment.  If you’ve ever printed an article from a website and ended up printing page after page of ads, menus and other useless stuff (not to mention that annoying last page that has one line on it!), then you need to try PrintFriendly.   To use […]


Great Source iWrite Grammar Handbook

Great Source iWrite Grammar Handbook is sponsored by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to help students  learn the mechanics of writing.  The Grammar Handbook contains animated videos of the use of punctuation, parts of speech and other conventions of writing.  The Great Source iWrite site in general is loaded with student-friendly tips and tutorials to help with […]


Ted Talks: Naturally 7 beatboxes a whole band

Naturally 7 beatboxes a whole band isn’t really a talk – it’s a performance by a group of seven talented musicians who use their voices to create instrument sounds.  They call it “Vocal Play”.  I think you’ll enjoy listening to their single “Fly Baby”.  (3:56)


TedTalks: Renny Gleeson on antisocial phone tricks

Renny Gleason on antisocial phone tricks is a short, funny video about how cell phones have made us more available and connected, but possibly also more antisocial.  (around 3 minutes)


Curriculum Support – Creative Art

Curriculum Support – Creative Arts is a site sponsored by the New South Whales Department of Education and Training.  While this site provides resources for a wide variety of curricular areas, I am going to focus on those related to the Creative Arts.  To find the arts related sites, click on the the grade level […]

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