Author Archive

Art Babble

Art Babble is a site created and maintained by the Indianapolis Museum of art for the purpose of helping people learn about art, artists and collections.  It is a collaborative site which now includes over 20 partners, including The Art Institute of Chicago, the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Van Gogh Museum.  Art Babble, […]


The CenteronCongress’s Channel

The CenteronCongress’s Channel is a YouTube channel created by the Center on Congress at Indiana University.  The channel contains videos for helping middle school and older students learn about Congress.  The videos are short — about 1-3 minutes in length — and cover topics like Federalism, Checks & Balances, and the legislative process.


Skype/Multi-Media Collaborations by Unit for Social Studies

Skype/Multi-Media Collaborations by Unit for Social Studies is a site created by a middle school teacher who is looking for other middle school social studies classes with whom his classes can collaborate.  The units he teaches are related to United States history.  He has project ideas for some units and is looking for ideas for […]


The Health Hut

The Health Hut is a blog devoted to providing information related to health, fitness and nutrition.  While not specifically created for students, The Health Hut can be a useful site for teachers who teach health-related topics. A post that I found interesting is “How Healthy Is Your City, State or Country?”, posted on July 21, […]


Idiom Dictionary

Idiom Dictionary is an online idiom translator.  Students, especially ELL students, often have a difficult time understanding the meaning of commonly-used idioms.  Idiom Dictionary is a place where they can go to enter the idiom and receive its definition.  An example of how the idiom is used in a sentence is also provided.


A Treasure Chest of Differentiation Strategies

A Treasure Chest of Differentiation Strategies looks like a handout from a workshop presented by the AIMS Network Institute.  The 22-page document begins with a general overview of differentiation, then describes and gives examples of a variety of differentiation strategies.  While not specifically geared towards differentiating for gifted students, the ideas in the handout can […]



RefSeek is a search engine designed for students and researchers who are looking for academic information.  Ref Seek searches documents, websites, encyclopedias, books, journals and newspapers.  The best part about  RefSeek is that it doesn’t appear to have any ads.  This is a great tool to use when you’re looking for information and you don’t […]



WatchKnowLearn is a site created for teachers and students by the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi, to provide a place for them to go to access free, quality educational videos.  WatchKnow has indexed over 15, 000 educational videos from all over the Internet and organized them by age and subject.  WatchKnow doesn’t host the videos, but […]


Internet Archive

Internet Archive is an Internet library of historical collections in digital format.  The archives include text, audio, moving images, software, and archived web pages.  It’s amazing the number of resources available on this site!  I especially like FedFlix, which contains videos from the US Government, including military training films, documentaries, and more.  These can be browsed […]


The National Archives: For Educators and Students

The National Archives:  For Educators and Students is part of The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration’s website.  It is designed to help teachers use primary sources.  Click on the “Teaching With Documents: Lesson Plans” link to access lesson plans that include the use of primary source documents.

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