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Share What You’re Reading is a site developed by Scholastic to allow students to share book reviews. Share What You Read is easy to use and does not require that the user create an account before submitting book reviews. The reviews are organized by both genre and grade level. Share What You Read is a […]
Get the Math is a site designed to help middle and high school students develop their algebraic thinking skills. Get the Math provides real world math challenges through video segments based on the fashion, music and video games industries. Get the Math also provides training materials for teachers.
Respondo is a simple online tool that helps develop some creative questions based on a couple of novels or stories to develop higher order thinking. Respondo is part of the Byrdseed website that I’ve previously written about. While the Byrdseed website is geared towards the gifted classroom, I think student of all ability levels can […]
Storybird is an easy-to-use site that allows its visitors to create online stories. Storybird provides a variety of images on which the stories are based. Stories can be created by individuals, or can be done collaboratively. When the story is complete, it can be shared with a global audience.
SearchCredible is a search engine that allows you to search for information through 26 different search engines from one website. To use SearchCredible, just type in a topic in the search box and click on the icon of the search engine you want to use. In addition to being a useful site from which to […]
Twurdy is a search engine that displays results from a Google search according to the reading level of the site. The goal of Twurdy is to help searchers find information that is appropriate for them, without having to wade through sites that are written at a reading level above or below. Twurdy can be a […]
Puzzle Me Words is a part of Thinkfinity’s ReadWriteThink website. Puzzle Me Words is an interactive site designed for Kindergarten and First Grade students to help them practice early literacy and phonemic awareness skills. Students click and drag letters to form words based on the pictures displayed. After each successful round, the student earns a […]
Wolfram|Alpha is a website that looks like a search engine, but is more a “computational knowledge engine”. The user can enter a factual question and Wolfram|Alpha will compute an answer. Probably the best way to see what kind of information is available through the Wolfram|Alpha site is to click on the the “Examples” link above […]
News in Pictures is part of the BBC News website that features pictures related to current events topics from around the world. One feature of this site that I like is “Day in pictures”, which offers pictures related to news topics on a particular day. There is also a “Week in pictures”, which includes pictures […]
Math Chimp is a site for elementary students to help them learn and practice various math concepts in a fun way. Math Chimp includes a variety of fun games organized by grade level and topic, making it simple for teachers to find games at the appropriate levels for their students.