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AirPano is a site that offers beautiful 360 degree panoramas of various places around the globe. These panoramas can be viewed on a computer as well as on an iPhone and iPad. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see a listing of places that are available on AirPano.
Character Scrapbook is a cute, interactive site on the Scholastic web page that allows students to write about a favorite character in a book. Students enter the name of the character and can create a picture of what the character might look like by choosing the hair, eyes, mouth, etc. Then, they type in 10 […]
Read More... is a site that allows you to create an online collaborative text document, similar to Google Docs Document. The nice thing about is that you don’t have to sign up for an account to create a document, so it can be used with students of any age. provides a URL for each […]
Writing 25 Word Stories is a blog post written by a 6th grade teacher describing the process of writing a 25 word story. The site contains a handout that you can download, as well as some examples of 25 word stories. UPDATE: I just found a great blog post (ELA Lesson Sequence for the Common […]
ARKive is a collection of quality images, videos, and information about plants and animals. The resources are organized in a variety of ways including by continent and by eco-region. Click on the “Explore ARKive” link on the top of the page to see the different categories. You can also search for a particular plant or […]
Daily Writing Tips is a blog that is designed to help people of all ages with their writing skills. Daily Writing Tips offers tips on all areas of writing, including spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. This is a great resource for teachers and students.
The Magic Key is a site created by the BBC. The Magic Key contains fun, interactive activities for reinforcing reading skills for students in the primary grades. To get to the activities, click on the “Adventures” link on the left sidebar.
Math K-2 is a collection of online math resources for students in the primary grades. Math K-2 is maintained by Westbrook Elementary School in Glenview, IL. The resources are organized by strands (geometry, fractions, word problems, place value, etc.) For each strand, there are links to interactive activities that reinforce the strand. I did notice […]
The Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits is an animated visual site that describes the basics of electric circuits. Students can learn about electric currents by clicking through a series of screens, based on five individual lessons. At the end of each lesson is an interactive activity and a quiz for that lesson.
Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need is a site provided by Noodle Tools that lists a variety of search engines and sites to help the user find information. While Noodle Tools is a paid subscription, Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need is available to everyone. What I like about this page […]