Printing Press

Printing Press offers interactive, online templates for creating newspapers, flyers and brochures.  Printing Press is part of the many wonderful offerings available on the ReadWriteThink website.  It’s user-friendly interface allows students to choose from several templates, then add images and text.  Another nice thing about this site is that it allows students to save their template so that they can work on it in multiple settings.


2 Responses to “Printing Press”

  1. Julie Gajewski says:

    I tried Printing Press….I made a flyer. The 4th graders do a Business Project and one of the requirements is to make a print ad. Usually they make it in Microsoft Word. While I like the creative and open ended feature of using word, Printing Press provides you with a template and helps those kids struggling with what to write and where. It’s a great starting point for some.

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