Writing 25 Word Stories

Writing 25 Word Stories is a blog post written by a 6th grade teacher describing the process of writing a 25 word story.  The site contains a handout that you can download, as well as some examples of 25 word stories.  UPDATE:  I just found a great blog post (ELA Lesson Sequence for the Common Core: Saying More With Less) by Ariel Sacks who talks about using photographs to help students get started with writing their 25 word stories.  She also explains how she has the students whittle their 25 word stories down to six word stories!

4 Responses to “Writing 25 Word Stories”

  1. Jon perry says:

    Very cool. Paul alerted me to this post. I am going to share it with Jodie Gaffey for her cell phone use.

  2. Jodi says:

    I got it! It does look fun. I will find some time between now and the end of the year and get it in plans. The kids will really like it. THANKS!!

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