Leveled Sites

In my searching I have stumbled on a handful of sites that provide information on a topic at a variety of different levels.  I wish there were more or these kinds of sites.  It would make finding material for differentiating lessons so much easier for teachers.  Here are the ones I have found so far:

Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government for Kids is a site developed by the U.S. Government Printing Office, with the intent of teaching students in grades K-12 about how our government works.  What I like about this site is that it provides materials at various grade levels:  K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.  If you teach about our government, it’s a site you’ll want to check out.

Kids in the House is another government-created website.  The focus of this site is to provide information to students about the legislative branch of our government.  The site provides lesson plans, a glossary, interactive activities, tours, and games  organized by levels:   young learners, grade school, middle school and high school.

Naturescapes is a web project developed for providing resources related to the study of nature (plants, animals and habitats) at different reading levels.  Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson, two educational tech gurus, had a great idea in 1999 of providing leveled content material for teachers and students.  Unfortunately, the last time the site was updated was in July of 2002, so there’s not as much information posted as they had originally intended.  However, the information that is there is good.  The topics have links to three pages:  Basics Page, More Detail Page, and In Depth Page.

Windows to the Universe is a site with activities for learning about Earth and Space science.  The site is written at three reading levels:  Beginning (Elementary School), Intermediate (Middle School) and Advanced (High School).  Three buttons towards the top of the page take you to materials at the appropriate level.

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