
I have created this page in response to requests that I’ve received from teachers for sites that use virtual manipulatives to support math learning.  Hopefully some of these sites will help students practice the skills needed to take the PARCC assessments.  I will add sites to this page as I find them.  Note that many of these use JAVA and will most likely put up a message at the top of the page about allowing JAVA to be used.  Be sure to allow the plugin for the whole site so that you don’t have to deal with the message every time you go to a different activity on the site.  If you know of any sites that can be added to this page, please let me know about them.

BrainRush — BrainRush can be used in a number of ways.  There are many activities that students can use that have been created by teachers.  No login is necessary to play these games.  In addition, teachers can create a free account and create their own interactive activities.  Teachers can set up classrooms with their students and assign individual activities.

Dreambox Learning

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt iTools — Grades K-6

McGraw-Hill Virtual Manipulatives

Math Playground — Math Manipulatives

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives

Virtual Manipulatives – Glencoe

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